Surfing with Jack Johnson in Australia

Everybody who’s ever been to Australia knows that Jack Johnson is the ultimate soundtrack for this country. You hear his voice at every campfire & in every supermarket. I listened to his music a lot when I was on my 4 month solo adventure in this beautiful country, travelling from one place to the other.

Jack Johnson

One of the most memorable things I experienced during my stay, was the surf trip with Mojosurf, travelling from Sydney to Byron Bay in 6 days and stopping at the most beautiful spots for surf lessons. At 6 in the morning, before breakfast, we would wake up in the ocean during our first lesson of the day. One morning we saw whales! I would highly recommend booking a tour here!

Jack Johnson

After 4 amazing months I fly back to my friends in Byron Bay, a small hippy village on the east coast to celebrate New Year’s Eve with them. This place feels like home, I looooove this town! The most popular way of transport here is a skateboard, the vibe is laid back and you see surfboards everywhere you look.

A day before the end of the year, Michelle (my friend) & I decide to go for a surf. Just 3 minutes in the water I see a very familiar face on a surfboard close to us….Michelle looks at me like she has just seen a ghost. The familiar stranger asks: ‘Are you alright girls?’…We giggle: ‘Uhm yes thank you….’ Than I have my moment of clarity: it is Andy Roddick, the tennis player!…Right?!..’. But Michelle whispers: ‘No that’s Jack Johnson!!!’.

Back on the beach my eyesight (-7) finally catches up with me. There he is, my Australian hero, soaking up the sun with his beautiful model family. This afternoon is the cherry on the delicious Australian cake, with two of my favorite ingredients: surfing & Jack Johnson!
Yes folks, I surfed with Jack Johnson! ♥

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