Kanarie Club at the Hallen, Amsterdam

The guys who run the popular Foodhallen in Amsterdam, decided it was time for something new.. Ooooh what a great idea it was! Meet the new kid in town: the Kanarie Club. This all-day hangout is perfect for breakfast, brunch, latte & laptop sessions, delicious 3-, 4- or 5-course dinners & refreshing cocktails with exotic bites. There is something for every bird in the house. Eggs Benedict, French Toast, Japanese pancakes, octopus with chorizo, specialty beers & divine cocktails.. Yummm! There are meeting rooms for private meetings and enough sockets to charge your phone or laptop. We like!

Kanarie ClubKanarie ClubKanarie ClubDe Kanarieclub Amsterdam

Thanks to Studio Modijefsky, also responsible for the beautiful interior of The Roast Room, Bar Botanique & Holy Smoke, you will find funny details of the history of this building everywhere. It used to be a tram depot and a squatting house. The squatters used to have their own ‘pool’ filled with rain water and now the Kanarie Club has a ‘lounge pool’ where you can sip on your cocktail, relax, catch up on your gossip & get your daily dose of people watching.

Kanarie ClubDe Kanarieclub Amsterdam

Crash on one of the comfortable sofas, order some of the many delicious options on the menu and you will linger for a looong time… Ah, what do you care, you’ll leave smiling & whistling, that’s for sure! In case you had a bit too much fun, you can hop back into the Kanarie Cub the next day for their classic Ten Kater (hangover) Brunch. Tjierp!

De Kanarieclub, Bellamyplein 51, Amsterdam West

Photo credits: Maarten Willemstein

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