6 Tremendous Travel Insurance Tips

Even though you feel vibrantly healthy and at the top of your game, always make sure your travel insurance is taken care of, before you hit the road. 6 Tremendous Travel Insurance Tips:

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1. Choose which insurance is good for you

When you travel more than twice a year an annual policy costs you less than buying a single-trip policy every time you go. The annual policy covers an entire year of travel for one fee. Sometimes you can also choose for what part of the world you want to be insured. When you just travel in Europe, there’s no need to pay for the global insurance. That will save you money.
The annual policy is not a good option for extended trips or backpackers, because they usually cover trips up to a maximum of 31 days. You need a long stay insurance for that. When you travel less than three times a year a single trip policy is the best choice. You only pay for the period that you’re actually travelling.

2. Check your health insurance coverage

Some costs are already covered by your health insurance, so don’t pay double. Check your policy to see what they cover. Hospitals in foreign countries can be very expensive and not all health insurances cover everything. Make sure the cover is sufficient for your needs or cover the costs with your travel insurance.

3. Check your cover for adventurous sports

Before you jump on your snowboard, make sure you’re potential helicopter ride will be paid for by the insurance..Many policies exclude “risky activities”, which can be horse riding, scuba diving, jet skiing or mountain climbing.

4. Get an EHIC card

When you’re travelling through Europe, you need a European Health Insurance Card, which gives you access to state-provided healthcare, at a reduced cost or sometimes free, when temporarily visiting an EU country, and also Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Some travel insurance policies will waive the excess for medical claims if you use your EHIC to get medical treatment while travelling in the EU. The easiest way to apply for, or renew, an EHIC – which is valid for up to five years – is at ehic-uk.org.

5. Most importantly; read your policy

It may seem like a logic thing everybody does, but we don’t. I didn’t when I first started travelling. But after some food poisoning, theft and burglary I now know exactly what to do and expect from my insurance..Know your coverage, the contact numbers, your reference number and what you need to do when something happens.

6. Save the phone number of your insurance on your phone

I also saved my reference number with that, which is easy when you need it:-)

Just have a good look around what suits you and compare prices at, for example, MoneySuperMarket.com. I love World Nomads too, they have a great online service, so you can extend or change your policy whenever, wherever. Their website is easy and flexible. Enjoy your trip!


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